Why do we like who we like? It’s safe to say I’m not a romantic so I’m not going to buy into all that he’s the one crap. Our desire for another person comes from attraction, emotional compatibility, and sexual compatibility. But I can't seem to get all three in one person. I'm finding that the guys who are good for me-- emotionally compatible-- are not the ones I'm sexually compatible with. And one thing that seems completely counterintuitive is that guys I’m attracted to don’t end up generating much heat in bed and vice versa. So is this some sort of deep-seated neurosis that I need to work through, or is it simply a matter of biology?

In my quest to answer this question, I came across the Interpersonal Attraction entry in wikipedia. The entry had this to say about whether or not opposites attract:
“Mathes and Moore (1985) found that people were more attracted to peers approximating to their ideal self than to those who did not. Specifically, low self-esteem individuals appeared more likely to desire a complementary relationship than high self-esteem people."
Well that sums up every failed relationship I’ve ever had. Complementary shlomplementary. I call it being a loser magnet.