Monday, June 21, 2010

5 simple rules to not tempt the fates

1. Don't care about the outcome. Sadly, you can't be jinxed when you no longer give a shit. 

2. Proceed with caution. We all know jinxes gain in power. Tell one person you're dating someone at a time. Announce that the team is going to win it's first round game instead of saying the tournament is ours this year. Be sure to leave enough time for the power of the first jinx to wear off before recommitting it.

3. Hedge, hedge, hedge some more. Throw as many qualifiers in as possible. The fates are easily confused by semantics.

4. Be one step ahead. It's possible to foil a jinx by out-thinking the fates. Carry an umbrella so it won't rain, tell everyone it's not that serious so he'll decide to commit.

5. Strengthen your support system. It will rain if one of your friends forgets his umbrella. He will disappear without calling if one of your friends tells everyone she's sure he's into you. If people can't back you up on not jinxing shit, you need to think about whether you need those kinds of people in your life.

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