Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The X factor

Everyone has an X factor. You meet someone, you like their personality, the way they dress, their taste in music, something else, and it piques your interest. And you find out that one thing that hits you right in the hormones. Do not pass go, do not collect a handful of awkward dates, proceed immediately to infatuation. The X factor will make you explain away or ignore any other attribute about the person. It will make you ascribe all sorts of positive personality traits that might not exist. In short, it will reduce you to the yearning, bumbling fool of your teenage years.

Think you don’t have an X factor? Make note of the next time you say “God, that is so hot.” It can be anything: his big brain, she reads science fiction, her sexy accent, he makes his bed. Ok, that last one is probably just me. Maybe you’re a guy susceptible to the Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Maybe you’re a girl who fails to notice that he’s not self-confident, he’s just an arrogant ass. Or maybe, like me, you’re reduced to a puddle when you find out someone has talent. Give me a guy who can sing or act or paint, and I turn all tongue-tied and shy.

If you’re really, really lucky, it all turns out for the best and as you get to know the person, you find out they are actually as cool as they seem. If you’re unlucky, you get strung along for months deluding yourself they’re better than they are. If you’re totally messed up, your X factor is something like instability or unavailability and you find yourself accidentally driving the getaway car after an armed robbery or telling all your friends that she’s going to leaver her husband as soon as the kids are in college. But you couldn’t help it—he’s just so hot.


Alicia said...

My question is how you can factor out the X factor. If you recognize what it is for you, can you learn to see past it?

Datista said...

I think you can. I think once you recognize it's happening, you can train yourself to take things slowly so you don't get too involved until the infatuation wears off some.

Alicia said...

But musicians are so hotttttt! ;-)