Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Some more lessons learned

I don't make it a habit to regret my decisions, and I'm happy to say I think my experience with the BT was beneficial. My post-breakup take home is that I need to date guys closer to my age. Yes, they have pot-bellies and receding hairlines. But at least they have their shit together. I'm saying goodbye to the younger guys who are still trying to figure it all out. However valid their search, they're a pain in my ass.

The second thing that came out of the experience was an unexpected trip into DXBF nostalgia. Post-breakup with my one serious boyfriend was quite a bit of recrimination for being with someone so completely messed up. But my trip down memory lane reminded me that giant emotional problems aside, we were really compatible. I haven't found anyone else I get along with that well. So years after the fact, I feel much better about the relationship and less bad about getting dumped.

Thank you, BT.  I'd tell you that in person, but that's going to make for one awkward conversation on the sidewalk when we finally run into each other.

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