I found this paper online about how peoples’ assessments about differences in attractiveness figures into whom they choose to date. The study’s authors used data from HotorNot to see what influenced people’s willingness to contact another person for a potential date.
There were a couple of interesting results. But this post is about the gender differences. Men were more likely than women to contact women with higher hotness ratings and yet less likely to consider their own hotness when making contact. Stated more simply, men think it’s more important for a woman to be attractive than a man.
There were a couple of interesting results. But this post is about the gender differences. Men were more likely than women to contact women with higher hotness ratings and yet less likely to consider their own hotness when making contact. Stated more simply, men think it’s more important for a woman to be attractive than a man.

One of the big reasons I’m so popular online is that a significant portion of the guys who make contact are suburban guys in their 40s. Despite the fact that I clearly state age and distance limits, their attitude seems to be that it’s worth it for them to take a shot at a younger, hotter woman. I assume this works like spam—someone somewhere must be responding to these guys or they wouldn’t keep doing it. Or maybe it’s essentially costless to wink at me so the success of the venture is irrelevant.
Either way it’s not costless to me. I have to sort through these emails to get to the guys I would consider dating. I have to deal with the irritation that despite the fact that I bothered to make public my requirements, they are being ignored. Or they’re not and I get emails like, “I know I’m out of your age range, but…” But what? I look like Brad Pitt so I figured you wouldn’t mind? No, never that. It’s always, “but you seemed so awesome I thought I’d give it a shot.”
Please guys do all of us a favor. Take a good hard look in the mirror before you send that email or wink. Sure, you’re fun and interesting, you have a good job and a nice house. But remember, there is another guy out there with all those qualities who is better looking. We’re going to choose him instead.
How about the guys who live in North Carolina or Michigan? Why are you writing to me?!!
This happens to me in real life. Especially in South America. Young hot guys didn't come up to talk to me. But weird older men insisted on following me around (and a young not-hot guy or two).
What I want to know is: do the young hot guys pick up younger, hotter girls than me or do they have a different methodology altogether?
I suspect a different methodology. Young, hot guys probably don't have to troll the streets for women.
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