Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ode to the druknen emaol

I know it’s become common among my generation to drink and dial. With the advent of cell phones, we’re never far away from an embarrassing conversation full of slurred words and insincere tokens of affection. But let me extol to you the virtues of drinking and typing. There’s nothing better than getting home from a night of drinking and sending out a delightful missive that is sure to amuse and bemuse your friends. And the best part is, you never have to wonder exactly what you said when you were drunk.

The other advantage of drunken typing is that the drunker you are, the more likely the string of letters you put together will not add up to actual words. Whereas, on the phone, this level of inebriation is likely to lead to things like inviting a douche-bag ex over for get back together sex. Mind you, I did recently use “love” to sign off an email. So there are pitfalls. I like to think I made up for that by misspelling my own name though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Babe yu love the sound of your own voice ... i can just imagine u sending drunken emails coz it's easier than going out and doing real social interaction ... this is a fascinating little blog you have ... you sound like a hot little thing with a big ego ... why has no guy snapped you up if you are half so hot as you portray yourself ... either this is a poor attempt to imitate sex in the city or you are a little star .... i hope it's the latter ... you have a turn of phrase and wit that's worthy of far more than druknen emaols ... you deserve a release for the repressed passion that oozes out of every word on your blog.