Monday, April 19, 2010

Conversational black hole

I guess the vetting process works pretty well for online dating, because I’m actually surprised it took until now for this to happen. I went out with a guy and ended up in a disagreement about animal welfare. Uh-oh. The one issue that I just can't get behind at all. For the continuing anonymous record:

Animals can’t talk. That makes them inferior to people.

Doesn’t mean I’d eat a developmentally disabled person. And aren’t you an idiot for trying to equate the two.

I would, however, eat a chimp. Animals is animals; peoples is peoples. It’s not a spectrum.

All of those points came up in our discussion. So I defused the situation by hedging and saying that we can agree that choosing more humane ways to raise animals is better than less. Which is almost a complete lie, but storming out didn't seem like a good way to go. And it was irrelevant because he had smaller hands than I do and no lips. So we parted ways and then he emailed me the next day asking me out. But he made this big thing like it should be a date and someone should pay. Someone? You asked me out, how is the payer unclear? Apparently, one can love animals but eat them and like me but not buy me dinner.

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