Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hotmail is the new cool

Ok, two things apparently really stand out about me because the guys I’ve been dating can’t seem to stop commenting on it. The first is my hotmail account. The comments range from surprise to snarky, but everyone seems to get some kind of kick out of my hotmail address. But I see no reason to give up a perfectly good email address just because Amazon sold it to anyone who would pay. Of course, what should be perfectly obvious is that this is my spam address. Dating candidates have to earn the upgrade to gmail, with the added bonus of my real last name.

The second is how fast I pee. Put those smart phones away guys because I will literally be back before you know it. I’m sad that I’m keeping this anonymous because I’d like to broadcast that the secret to my incredible speed isn’t that I skip washing my hands. I’m always worried that’s what people think when I arrive back at the table in record time. So, for the record, I do wash my hands.


Anonymous said...

One, I'm glad you're blogging again. Two, I'm going to monitor this quick peeing thing. Bc I can remember looking at my Blackberry while you've been in the restroom. Were you stalling so that I wouldn't think you had skipped washing your hands? --C

Datista said...

Any delay is a result of a line. Other people can't get their business done in a reasonable time frame.