Monday, March 29, 2010


A guy just emailed to say that I was every "reasonable man's dream." I love this. What would an unreasonable man's dream be? Me, three inches taller? Even bigger boobs? Blonde hair? Less education? More education? 10 pounds skinner? Having listed blow jobs in the things I'm good at section? I guess I should just be relieved I'm not too good to be true.

A friend and I both got messages from the same 19 year old. I'm glad to know he doesn't think only men are willing to rob the cradle. I also got "favorited" by a 51 year old. My oldest to date.

True to my inability to attract a bad boy, I just found out that my friend has been getting messages from guys who expose their cocks in their profile pictures. Jeez, put together the cash and pay for a hooker. We don't need that kind of nastiness.

Blank profiles, grrrrrrr. Why would I talk to someone who refuses to tell me anything.

Guys who refuse to email, grrrrrrrrrrrr. One of these was the same one who refused to put anything in his profile. More generally, they write or email that they don't want to exchange a lot of emails, they want to go out right away. What about ONLINE dating is unclear?

In other news, I've got a date with an online newbie this week. I hate the newbies-- they get so worked up over the first meeting. It's such a turn off when a guy is already completely invested in something that has about a 10% chance of working out.

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