Thursday, March 11, 2010

Back in the Saddle

This is just too hilarious not to post. Courtesy of Washington Post’s Date Lab*:

     Pier: I told him in the middle of the date that I did not know why we were put together. We were talking about our dating history, and he was telling me about some of the girls [who] dropped him and didn't explain why after, in his eyes, they had an amazing date. I thought, I don't want him to look at this when it's published and say, "Pier did the same thing to me." So I'm like, let me go ahead and tell him now that I don't see this going anywhere.

     Jeremy: She was really honest. I appreciate that. I did feel a little chemistry, but I can understand why she did not feel that much with me.

And a little later…

     Jeremy: I jumped on the train and thought, Crap, I didn't ask for her number. If I had [gotten her number], I would definitely have given it a shot.

So to recap, she says she’s not interested, he understands, then twenty minutes later he’s thinking he should have asked for her phone number. There is just no hope for some people. Props to Pier for trying though.

In other news, my date went well last night. Although, I haven’t heard from him today, so perhaps not as well as I thought. Oh dear, I am the Jeremy of the date!

* WP sets people up on blind dates and then interviews them afterward.

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