Friday, March 19, 2010

But I don't wanna

I know, I know, another post about Marxism. Here’s what I don’t get though. A guy contacted me on the boutique website and after a couple of emails, I wasn’t feeling it. So then I move to the new website and he immediately contacts me again. I explain some of my reluctance—wasn’t feeling much of a connection through email, but not all—you’re not hot enough to pull off 5’6”. So two questions emerge. 

1. Should I have just told him he’s not hot enough to be that short?
2. Given my reluctance, why is he still trying to get me to go out with him?

The first I can’t answer. I honestly don’t know if it’s better to tell the truth. The second seems to me to be Marxism. I’m more attractive because of my reluctance. Which is stupid except that on this website, they tell you how often the person responds to emails. And I can’t help but want to contact the “rarely responds” people to see if I can get them to write back. It just seems like more of a win. (I can’t tell what my stats are like, it may be too early.)

In the meantime, I’m forcing myself not to contact anyone. I’ve got Guy Who Won’t Go Away, Guy Who Ended Up Emailing Me Back, and New Army Guy. I’m sticking to my plan of not going crazy with this. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I think don't be honest about physical things they can't change. He can't change his height so what purpose does it serve to make him feel bad about it? Specially since that's your problem, not his. Just not feeling the sparks should be a good enough answer for anyone.