When I compare the two guys I’m dating, I find I’m going in opposite directions on each. Rationally, the glasses guy has the advantage. He has long-term potential. It’s stupid to get involved with someone whose priorities are completely different than mine. But my feelings are telling me something else. I am in full-on crush territory with my boy toy while glasses guy’s assumption that I’d accompany him home after our last date left me very uncomfortable*.
Head or heart? Is it ok to have an inconsistent policy? In terms of the glasses guy, the decision is easy. My rational mind is not dumb enough to ignore my gut when it sounds an alarm. With the other guy, my gut is having no problem ignoring my rational mind. It’s not a fair fight, either. Rationality stands alone; Feelings gets to bring along Hormones into the ring. And we all know how much of a punch hormones can pack.
Ok, enough torturing that metaphor. This is all going to end badly. Hopefully it will make for some good blogging.
* I wasn’t altogether sure if I’d hear from the guy again after refusing his offer, but I got an email from him today. I never get an easy out.