Friday, June 5, 2009

Emails, emails everywhere

I’m new to this online dating thing. I tried it once before when I was new in town in a much smaller community, and it was a complete bust other than that whole meeting a completely awesome friend who is the impetus for this post. I have no idea how many emails are normal but I’m inundated. I assume this is the new girl affect and will wear off as time goes on.

So with all this email traffic what stands out is who responds more frequently. But a friend of mine pointed out that this a lousy gauge of determining how interested a guy is, because some people just aren’t that prompt about email. This is true. I know these people. I talk to them far less frequently than the other people in my life who can respond to an email within a day. We’ll let the fact that I almost categorically refuse to answer phone calls go because I’m writing the blog.

Non-email likers is one thing. Although, while I’m at it, if you don’t like email, why are you online dating? But is game play a factor? Is a delayed email the equivalent of not calling for three days? Is he just not that into me? Or is he just not that into typing?

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