Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Modern Love

In contemplating the list of milestones I formerly created, there are some things missing for the technologically savvy couple. How far into dating do you have to be to friend someone? I’ve had guys want to be my facebook friend before I’ve even met them in person. This strikes me as odd, and I always ignore these requests. But I’m a facebook prude—I don’t friend strangers and I’m vigilant about kicking people off the rolls as well.

Without giving you too much insight into why someone as awesome as I am might be perpetually single, the whole issue of establishing a technological connection with someone (of any kind—facebook, skype, netflix, twitter, etc.) is bothersome to me. Because I can’t help thinking that at some point I am going to have to defriend said person. So I’m probably not ready until step 5. It just seems like a commitment I’m not ready to make before then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agreed. I think it can also be awkward if someone tries to friend you on Facebook before you are "ready" to take that step. If a guy asks too early in the relationship, pre-DTR, I think it is pushy and a red flag. Or that's what I thought yesterday when our mutual friend J said a guy she'd never even gone out with had tried to friend her on Facebook. Really weird.