1. Meet and decide if there's enough interest for date 2.
a. Caveat: If you sleep together now, skip steps 2 and 4.
2. Continue to date until you make up your mind whether there's relationship potential. Once your mind is made up either a) bust a move yourself or b) give flagrant indications that a move once busted would not go amiss.
a. Caveat: Abbreviate time schedule if a prolonged break in dating is set to occur.
b. Potential pitfall: If things have become "comfortable" (as indicated by a lack of effort to plan things, dress up, or if friends are invited along), you've completely blown it. Decide if you'd like to be friends with this person. Then return to step 1 with someone else and try not to fuck it up this time.
3. Meet the friends and get to third. Increase level of physical activity on subsequent dates. Concurrent with this, introduce dating interest to one friend/one couple. Indicate you would like to be included in dating interest's activities that include friends. Slowly expand to include all major friends and larger group activities.
a. Caveat: if you were friends before you started dating, you should now make it clear to said friends that you are DATING. Show up together. Accept the fact that they are going to make fun of you together and individually with all the grace of someone who's going to get laid soon (or is already getting laid).
4. Have sex.
a. Precursors: If necessary, float the idea of an AIDS test. Get one yourself.
b. Potential pitfall: At this point, you should regularly have your preferred form of birth control on you at all times. Women—don't skip a pill, and if you have a preferred brand of condom, make sure it's with you at all times. Men—you are responsible for the condoms!
5. Refer to the person as your girl(boy)friend.
a. Alternative 1: Get someone else to do it for you. Have a friend introduce your date as your _friend. This allows you the opportunity to gauge the reaction.
b. Alternative 2: Introduce the concept of "when" into your relationship instead of "if we're still dating".
c. Potential pitfall: NEVER introduce the person as anything other than your _friend. Avoid statements like my ladyfriend, my boy toy, my flavor of the month, my best guy, etc. at all costs. Before your ready, just say "this is _."
d. Potential pitfall: Avoid actually discussing should I call you my _friend at all costs. No one likes that conversation. How unromantic can you get?
6. Meet the parents. There is no specific timeline for this, other than ideally it should follow steps 1-5. In some situations, it will come up earlier. If you have not made it to step 4, on no account should you balk or refuse to meet the parents if invited. If it's your parents and an invitation is solicited, make one. You will not get to step 4 if you fuck this up.
a. Potential pitfalls: This step is rife with them. Sufficed to say if you get this far, then you should make it through step 6 fine.
7. Plan a vacation together (and go on it).
a. Caveat: Step 7 can be substituted for step 6 in the event that both sets of parents live in Abu Dhabi or some other remote location too far to travel to or from.
b. Potential pitfall: Do not combine steps 6 and 7. The first trip should be ripe with opportunities to have sex in lots of different places.
8. Further steps include celebrating an anniversary, moving in together, proposing, getting married, and having kids. If you've successfully made it through step 7, the rest is going to take care of itself. If you still need someone to tell you what you should do next, you're either dating someone with a spine of jello, you have a spine of jello, or you're just not that into it.